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The Seven Great Untenables: Sapta-Vidha Anupapatti

 By John Grimes

Rs. 396 Rs. 495

ISBN : 9788120806825, 8120806824

Year of Publication : 1990

Edition : 1st

No. of Pages : 130

Language : English

Condition : New

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The polemics between the Advaitins and the Visistadvaitins appears unending. Each schoolÍs exegesis claims to be the faithful explication of the ïtrueÍ meaning of the Sruti. Ramanuja raised seven major objections against the Advaita conception of avidya. He brings in, under

each one of these objections, further objections which, if valid, will prove the Advaita conception of avidya untenable. Also, post-Ramanuja scholars took up the sword and attempted to finish the dialectics. This book is an analysis of these objections and rejoinders to them from an Advaitic perspective. It provides an exposition of the keyconcept of avidya maya as set forth by advaitins and as criticized by Visistadvaitins. The work consists of seven chapters with notes

and select bibliography and falls into identifiable parts. Grimes covers a wide range of idea

connected with basic Vedantic positions vis-avis Advaita and Visistadvaita. This itself is

creditable. The work is lucidly written and organized. Each argument is clearly presented and

responded to. Also, there is a good summary of key Vedantic ideas and arguments concerning

the concept of avidya. As a handbook regarding the debate over the status of avidya, it will be found useful. Though the polemics between Advaitins and Visistadvaitins is unending, the conflicts which exist between the two systems do not seem to affect their value as particular approaches to Brahman. One may even go so far as to say that the two systems enrich and inspire each other with a mutual fecundity.

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