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Advaitic Sadhana: The Yoga of Direct Liberation

 By S. S. Cohen

Rs. 360 Rs. 450

ISBN : 9788120831711, 8120831713

Year of Publication : 2011

Edition : 2nd

No. of Pages : 119

Language : English

Condition : New

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Advaitic Sadhana is an inspired trilogy that constitutes a thorough, practical guide on the path to Self-realisation. Book I has particular relevance to spiritual aspirants visiting Sri Ramanasramam, as it was written by the author in the 1940s for the sole purpose of making their visits meaningful. It throws much light on the practice of sadhana, especially meditation, and the insights and guidelines presented are as applicable now as when they were written.

Book II contains the well known Mandukya Upanisad with brief notes. This Upanisad is said to offer the briefest, clearest, and most practical study of the nature of man, or Atman (Self). Atma Bodha of Book III was composed by Acarya Sankara, the greatest expounder of the Upanisads. In sixty-eight short stanzas the celebrated author delivers the cream of Vedanta.

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