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Demystifying Death

 By Vinod Malhotra

Rs. 234 Rs. 275

ISBN : 9788178224466, 8178224461

Year of Publication : 2013

Edition : 1st

No. of Pages : 154

Language : English

Condition : New

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According to the author, the only way we can live and understand our life fully, is by accepting the inevitability of death and by consciously factoring it in our existence.

This universe operates on the principles of duality. Every entity, every phenomenon is

inexorably subjected to this paradigm of duality and there is no exception to this rule. Victory has no meaning unless it is described in relation to defeat. It would be difficult to understand the meaning of death unless we understand life. Some loosely define it as ñNatureî. In order to accept the phenomena of life and death, we must understand Natureî and its essential nature. It is objective and impartial. It treats everyone as equal. It is constantly

evolving. It is ruthless. It is forever creating and destroying. It seeks to maintain its pristine status. All these attributes must necessarily lead to one conclusion. "Nature" will destroy the old and decrepit, and bring in fresh and young. Death must therefore be viewed

only as a replacement of the old by new.

Every living entity that is created by nature is compulsorily subjected to two phenomena. It must perform some work to survive and in the fullness of time, must perish.

This universe operates on the principles of duality. Every entity, every phenomenon is inexorably subjected to this paradigm of duality and there is no exception to this rule. Victory has no meaning unless it is described in relation to defeat. It would be difficult to understand the meaning of death unless we understand life. Some loosely define it as "Nature". In order to accept the phenomena of life and death, we must understand Nature and its essential nature. It is objective and impartial. It treats everyone as equal. It is constantly evolving. It is ruthless. It is forever creating and destroying. It seeks to maintain its pristine status.

All these attributes must necessarily lead to one conclusion. "Nature" will destroy the old and decrepit, and bring in fresh and young.

Death must therefore be viewed only as a replacement of the old by new.


About the Author(s)

Vinod Malhotra retired from the Indian Administrative Services after an illustrious career spanning over thirty eight years. A degree of M.B.A. from the University of Leeds, U.K. added to the practical knowledge that he got in the field of business through opportunities to head several public sector organizations. His interest in the study of the Bhagwad Git ran parallel to his work in the institutions that he served.

His endeavour clearly has been to demystify the Gita so that readers would take to this profound practical treatise with as great a facility as they do to other popular scriptures and philosophy.

According to him, very few books worldwide have created such a beautiful synthesis between thought and action, as has the Gita. Some of the other works by Mr. Malhotra pertain to an inquiry into the cause of genes and the impact of ubiquitous concept of cosmic energy.

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