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History of American Philosophy

 By Herbert W. Schneider

Rs. 716 Rs. 995

ISBN : 9788120824546, 8120824547

Year of Publication : 1969

Edition : 1st

No. of Pages : 608

Language : English

Condition : New

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The present work treats of several aspects of American philosophy in their historical perspective. The author has interpreted philosophically the revolutionary changes that recent years have brought in the domain of education, church, politics, natural sciences etc. The reader will find herein that American Philosophy is the outgrowth of impacts of new life and new directions imported by waves of immigration. More conspicuous are the recent intellectual imports from Cambridge, Paris and Vienna. The philosophical analysis that grew up in Cambridge under the leadership of Whitehead, russel and Moore, the sophisticated, modernized versions of Catholic scholasticism from Paris and the the schools of value theory, existentialism, phenomenology, logical positivism, psychoanalysis, and socialism from Vienna--these are now pervasive forces in American culture. The author has ventured to predict that the types of philosophical thought described in this volume are being radically revised, reviewed and reconstructed because of these new importations that a decidedly new chapter in American philosophy is being written. The author has tried well to expound what American history teaches or what American philosophy stands for.


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