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The Book of Hindu Imagery: Gods and Their Symbols

 By Eva Rudy Jansen

Rs. 213 Rs. 250

ISBN : 9788178220567, 8178220563

Year of Publication : 2001

Edition : 1st

No. of Pages : 150

Language : English

Condition : New

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Hinduism is more than a religion; it is a way of ife that has developed over approximately 5 milennia. Its rich and multicultured history, which has no equivalent among the great religions of the world, has made the structure of its mythical and philosophical principles into a highly

differentiated maze, of which total knowledge is a practical impossibility.

This volume cannot offer a complete survey of the meaning of Hinduism, but Eva Rudy Jansen does provide an extensive compilation of important deities and their divine manifestations, so that modern students can understand the significance of the Hindu pantheon.

To facilitate easy recognition, a survey of ritual gestures, postures, attires and attributes as well as an index are included. Over 100 illustrations and several photographs make this book an important

reference, both to the student of Hindu art and the interested amateur.


About the Author(s)

EVA RUDY JANSEN is the author of The Book of Buddhas and Singing Bowls.

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