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The Principal Teachings of Buddhism: Tsongkapa, With a Comm.

 By Pabongka Rinpoche , Geshe Lobsang Tharchin & Michael Roach

Rs. 240 Rs. 300

ISBN : 9788120817128, 8120817125

Year of Publication : 2000

Edition : 3rd

No. of Pages : 213

Language : English

Condition : New

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The spread of the teaching of Gautama Buddha began in India over two thousand years ago and reached perhaps its highest peak in the hidden mountain kingdom of Tibet, five centuries before our time. The great illuminary of his renaissance of the religion of total peace was Tsongkapa (1357 - 1419). He inspired a movement that by the timeTibet was lost in 1959 saw nearly a million monks living in thousands of monasteries around the country.

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