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The way of Ayurvedic Herbs: The most complete guide to Natural Healing and Health with Traditional Ayurvedic Herbalism

 By Karta Purkh Singh Khalsa & Michael Tierra

Rs. 396 Rs. 495

ISBN : 9788120834125, 8120834127, 9788120834637, 8120834631

Year of Publication : 2010

Edition : 1st

No. of Pages : 365

Language : English

Condition : New

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Ashwaganda for stamina and vitality ... arjuna for the health ... dandelion for breast wellness ... gokshura to reach a sexual peak ... . Traditional Ayurveda, using the principles of the three doshas, constitutional body type and highly individualized therapies, is the oldest continuosly practiced healing system on Earth. Over those many centuries, generations of Ayurvedic scholars and physicians have reviewed, inspected, dissected and refined the system to perfect a highly effective form of health, balance and healing. Now, two of the world's leading Ayurvedic herbalists, both leaders of the holistic health renaissance, and who, together, bring a total of over 75 years of practice to the work, have crafted a manual for making Ayurveda understandable and eminently, practically useful. The way of Ayurvedic Herbs is more than an herb manual. It is a life path to well-being.


"Ayurvedic herbology is a ancient Vedic science of healing the body, mind and spirit. It is evidentially proven medicine that is traditionally accepted throughout India and abroad. The rasa (taste), virya (energy) and vipak (post-digestive effect) of the herbs are beautifully explained in the ancient texts. This book will give the light of Ayurvedic herbology to both the students and practitioners of herbology." - Vasant Lad, B.A.M.S., M.A.Sc., Ayurvedic Physician and the author of ayurveda: Science of self healing

"A superb work on healing with Ayurveda and Herbs by two of the most advanced masters in the field. Let their experience work for you. This is absolutely a must one book." - Dharma Singh Khalsa, M.D. www.drdharma.com, author of Food as Medicine

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