Cure Yourself The Natural Way: 85 Naturopathy Treatments to Overcome Diseases

 By Vikas Khatri

Rs. 1,120 Rs. 1,400

ISBN : 9789357941457

Year of Publication : 2019

Edition : Latest Revised

No. of Pages : 224

Weight : 336 g

Language : English

Condition : New

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Naturopathy has gained significant acceptance in recent years. People are gradually realizing the long-term effects of western medicines and are now turning to natural medicines and methods to treat their ailments. This book explains the details and benefits of a variety of natural therapies, how natural food, natural elements, use of various natural therapies, the observance of the laws of nature, can allow people to overcome their diseases.
This book helps you to understand naturopathy methods to overcome 85 leading causes and problems like diabetes, high blood pressure, gall bladder stones, acne, arthritis, depression, insomnia, leucoderma, heart troubles, osteoporosis, cholesterol, hair fall, weight loss, cancer, defective vision, backache, piles, obesity and pimples etc. Various methods applied for cure in naturopathy, like mud therapy, acupressure, chromo therapy, hydrotherapy, air therapy and food therapy, have been discussed in detail in the book.
The book will also serve as a useful guide for those interested in leading simple and healthy lives.

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