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Ayurveda Revolutionized: Integrating Ancient and Modern Ayurveda

 By Edward F. Tarabilda

Rs. 240 Rs. 300

ISBN : 9788120815544, 8120815548

Year of Publication : 1998

Edition : 1st

No. of Pages : 210

Language : English

Condition : New

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This study gives the reader a radical new perspective in the practice of Ayurveda. It is not meant to replace what exists at present, but to be complimentary. This system is not new, but is offered as a revitalized approach to Ayurveda. The thesis put forth by the author in this text is that it is not Constitution, as modern Ayurveda contends, but rather Seven Disease Tendencies which are fundamental to the treatment of disease. In fact, this approach in mentioned by Charaka, the father of Ayurveda, is his Charaka Samhita the authoritative texts of Ayurveda.


I would suggest that you, the reader, approach Ayurveda REvolutionized with an open mind and heart, and then determine through your own experience whether it is worthy of consideration as an approach to your personal health and well-being. LENNY BLANK

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