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Buddhist Mahayana Texts (SBE Vol. 49): Buddhism

 By F. Max Muller & E. B. Cowell

Rs. 540 Rs. 750

ISBN : 9788120800281, 8120800281

Year of Publication : 1991

Edition : 1st

No. of Pages : 557

Language : English

Condition : New

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This is a subset of the Sacred Books of the East Series which includes translations of all the most important works of the seven non-Christian religions which have exercised a profound influence on the civilizations of the continent of Asia. The works have been translated by leading authorities in their field.


About the Author(s)

Friedrich Max Muller was a great linguist and scholar born in Germany. He began his study of Sanskrit under Prof. Brockhaus and soon chose it as his special pursuit. The East India Company commisioned him to edit the Rigveda, which resulted in the publication of six giant volumes on the subject. His publications include a Sanskrit translation of Kalidasa's Meghaduta, History of Ancient Sanskrit Literature, and Introduction to the Science of Religion. Before his death in 1900 at Oxford, he was crowned with most honours and awards a scholar could aspire for.

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