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Changing Minds: Mind, Consciousness and Identity In Patanjali's Yoga-sutra and Cognitive Neuroscience

 By Michele Marie Desmarais

Rs. 316 Rs. 395

ISBN : 9788120833289, 8120833287, 9788120833364, 8120833368

Year of Publication : 2008

Edition : 1st

No. of Pages : 253

Language : English

Condition : New

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This book by Dr. Desmarais is by all means a positive contribution in the field of Yoga, Indology and cognitive neurosciences. It covers Eastern and Western, ancient and modern, religion and metaphysics, psychology and epistemology, as well as the cultural heritage for these. The book is arranged in six chapters using our common concept of show as a metaphysical stage: getting ready for the show; entering the theatre; taking the stage; all the world as stage; following the plot; thickening of the plot; and finally, the lights come up. This has its source in the Samkhya metaphor of prakrti as analogous to a divine actor, on the world stage and in a cosmic drama. Another symbolic metaphor that comes before our mind is that of Ardhanarinatesvara of Lord Siva, depicted as the Cosmic divine Supreme actor endowed with half-female in his person. The reader, the spectator or audience member, symbolizes the Purusa of Samkhya and yoga.


Acknowledgements, Foreword, Abbreviations, Introductions: Getting Ready for the Show, 1. Entering the Theatre 2. Taking the Stage 3. All the World's a Stage 4. Following the Plot 5. The Plot Thickens 6. Lights Up, References, Index

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