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Greatest Scientists of the World : Biography and Achievements of 101 World-Renowned Scientists

 By Vikas Khatri

Rs. 251 Rs. 295

ISBN : 9789350571750

Year of Publication : 2019

Edition : Latest Revised

No. of Pages : 216

Weight : 440 g

Language : English

Condition : New

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It's truely said by Stephen Hawking that Scientists have become the bearers of the torch of discovery in our quest for knowledge.
We are glad to inform all our esteemed readers that V&S Publishers is coming out with a number of books in the Greatest Series which include Classic Storybooks of great authors like Sir Arthur Conan Doyle, (the creator of the famous fictional character, Sherlock Holmes), Charles Dickens, Ambrose Bierce, Jack London, O. Henry and others. This book on Scientists is an addition in the Greatest Series.
The book contains information about 101 world-renowned Scientists from across the globe, their brief life sketch their contributions to the scientific world including books, journals and magazines that they published, Awards and Honours received by them and any significant happenings that changed the course of their lives. The book includes prominent names like, Sir Isaac Newton, Ivan Pavlov, J.J Thomson, Jagadish Chandra Bose, James Clerk Maxwell, James Watson, Jean-Baptiste Lamarck, John Dalton, John Logie Baird, Louis Pasteur and many such notable personalities.
The book has been written especially for the school students of the age group, 10-18 years, but it can be read by readers of all ages, who love Science and its amazing and fascinating world of outstanding inventions and Discoveries that have transformed the human society and our existence!

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