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Tibetan Treasure Literature: Revelation, Tradition, and Accomplishment in Visionary Buddhism

 By Andreas Doctor

Rs. 316 Rs. 395

ISBN : 9788120834149, 8120834143

Year of Publication : 2009

Edition : 1st

No. of Pages : 245

Language : English

Condition : New

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The Treasure tradition of the Nyingma School of Tibetan Buddhism is richly permeated with wonder and controversy. This unique, mysterious tradition embraces revelation as the primary path to spiritual awakening. Over the course of Tibetan history, revelations-known as Treasures (gter ma) - have been discovered hidden in nature or have emerged directly from the great minds of the Nyingma School, creating a profound and lasting effect on Tibetan religious society and culture.

Tibetan Treasure Literature discusses central themes and personalities in the history and practice of Tibetan Treasure revelation. In particular, this book presents the first through survey of the revelations of the great visionary master Chokgyur Dechen Lingpa (1829-1870). Chokgyur Lingpa was a prominent member of the famed ecumenical (ris med) tradition and his revelations are widely practiced today in many schools and traditions of Tibetan Buddhism. Particular emphasis is placed on his revelations of Tibetan Buddhism. Particular emphasis is placed on his revelations pertaining to the wrathful deity Vajrakilaya. Translations of selected texts are presented together with a detailed commentary on their practice composed by Khenpo Rinchen Namgyal (nineteenth century), one of Chokgyur Lingpa's foremost students. Also included is a translation of the renowned master Ju Mipham's (1846-1912) discussion of the criteria for evaluation the authenticity of those beings who claim to have revealed such Treasures of Buddhist teaching.


"...is a treasure trove of fresh insights into the fascinating forces at work in the contining development of Tibetan Buddhism... This book is a must for those interested not only in Buddhism's past, but also in its present and future ways of negotiating

About the Author(s)

Andreas Doctor holds a Ph. D. in Buddhist Studies from the Univ. of Calgary. He lives in Nepal, where he is Director of Studies at Kathmandu University-Centre for Buddhist Studies.

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